I guess for your first question about non-public art portal entires being able to show up on peoples follow feeds. Yes, they should.
And about the ergo-cintiq thing, assuming your preferred comfort in drawing, I'd say go for it! I think cintiqs are nice although I want the 13"HD, maybe the companion so I can draw wherever I go, but I haven't decided yet. Currently I have a Bamboo with Photoshop CC on a Macbook Pro, unfortunately cause I'm so busy with school, I haven't been able to actually make digital work with these mediums. All of my previous digital work was done either on my iPad 2 or on Illustrator CC or Photoshop CC with a mouse.....Anyways, I personally don't mind getting the smaller Cintiq cause I've worked on an iPad before. But you seem to want a bigger screen and be able to move it around as you draw so I'd say go for it Sucho. I hope that answered at least one of your questions.
Looking forward to seeing more of your art too, have a nice day!
I got no comment on the cintiqs. As I don't use tablets to draw... though I may wanna try one in future. But I do have a comment about your art. I checked them out. Bizarre. And awesome. Me gusta.
pixel art must be tough with no pen. i tried my hand at it properly for the first time a couple of days ago and it was hard enough with my set up. i found pixel art to be pretty boss tho'