so recently i've come into some $50 in store credit, and i'm thinking of making a contest to use it as a prize, but i can't think of anything fun, amusing, or to my IMMEDIATE BENEFIT.
i'm open to ideas.
i'm no longer open to ideas.
STOP ASKING. never fear, i wont turn back on my word and spend the money on myself, but i'm waiting to see if i can increase my winnings to offer a better prize for my personal contest. i'm so lazy though, in the end i might just donate it back to the staff and see what they can do with it for you guyz.
Dude, you earnt that money fair and square. Your entries were fucking brilliant.
Spend the cash on something like an NG T-Shirt :)
Failing that, a contest about making up a totally random word and the contest is to create an image of what that word is. Lots of creative freedom as the word could be interpreted as a name, a creature, an object, vehicle... anything you can think of that the word suites :)
that isn't a bad idea. i do want some humour in this though. if bluebaby didnt do it already, i'd just ask people to draw me naked or something.