Hey guys i haven't died- just a quick update as i've been swept up into a massive project with HappyHarry but i haven't forgotten my own stuff and i've got a tidy backlog of sketches, some conceptual faces, backgrounds from harry cartoons etc that i will upload before the end of the year. with any luck there may even be some mixed media! I dont have a great scanner so i'm either thinking of doing more of my doodles digitally so i can upload them rather then keep them buried on paper, or just investing in a new scanner. either eay i'd like to share more of my smaller/ WIP works if people are interested in that sort of thing. gonna get back into this shit and start winning :* thanks to everyone and all who has checked me out and of course everybody supporting Newgrounds!
I just use my phone camera for sketches, which is a really good argument for investing in a scanner.
Anyway yeah totally upload your WIPs and sketches and Master Studies of deviantart How 2 Draw Manga traces, Sucho "Totally Not A Ghost Posessing A Ouija Board" Sucholastname.